With the Assembly Shop now fully occupied with the 40 class, back in the Paint Shop the focus of activity has switched to the MAL/ACS/AB 12 wheeler project. Almost nightly at the moment contact from the factory is received checking another stage in the decoration of the MAL sleeping cars, the ACS branchline composite cars and the AB dining cars. Present progress suggests a mid August delivery date. Delivery will include more spare bogies and complete under-frames.
40 Class progress
Assembly of the 40 class is proceeding at a fast pace at the factory. The latest step in the process is the completion of assembly of the gear boxes for the full production run.
As part of this assembly process an extensive process of testing of the gear boxes has been carried out. Several chassis have been run for hundreds of hours on the factory's test track with the tick of approval being given to the gear boxes.
The accompanying photos show that plastic tubs of the gear boxes have now joined the other 40 class items already stacked up around the assembly area at the factory.
With gear boxes now complete the next step in the assembly process, the assembly of chassis's has commenced. Current progress is in line with completion of assembly in mid-July and delivery at Port Botany around mid-August.