Monday, September 3, 2018

TAM, CS Up-Date 


Work has started at the factory on the next two carriages in our 12 wheeler program.
The two vehicles will be a smooth sided TAM sleeper without crown lights and a CS composite sitting car. 

Producing the modernised version of the TAM will allow the TAM to be offered in candy livery as well as the standard Indian Red livery.

The above drawings are the first iteration but the drawing preparation stage will be completed in the next few weeks.
Delivery is expected in mid - 2019.
Photos of the CS are rare and any photos would be most welcome.

With work on the TAM/CS project underway consideration is being given to s to what will be the next cars in our 12 wheeler series .

Order forms for the TAM/CS will be available on the Eureka web-site shortly and will advise which car numbers will be available. . 

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